Use of This Web Portal
This web portal has been provided for the benefit of UGL PTY LTD (ACN 009 180 287) (“UGL”) and its subsidiaries and related bodies corporate (as defined in the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth)) (these companies together the “UGL Group” or each individually a “UGL Group Company”).
In order for any prospective employee, contractor or consultant:
(a) to progress an application for a specific role with the UGL Group advertised on this web-site; and/or
(b) to register their interest in working with the UGL Group,
through this portal, UGL will request the provision of certain personal information. Should your application be progressed, additional personal information may be requested and gathered in the course of any selection process and also throughout any subsequent employment within the UGL Group. All of this information will become part of your employment records should you take up employment with the UGL Group.
You are not obliged to provide any of the information that will be now (or subsequently) requested from you, but it will assist relevant UGL Group Companies in the consideration of your application and thereafter in your continuing employment and ongoing progression within the UGL Group.
Collection, Storage, Use and Disclosure of Personal Information
Any personal information provided by you or otherwise collected about you by the UGL Group will be held by external service providers (including the Taleo Corporation (USA)) on behalf of the UGL Group and the data may be stored in Australia and/or at other international locations.
Any personal information which we collect may be used by authorised UGL Group staff and/or their agents in Australia and/or in other international locations in connection with:
• Your actual or possible work placement within the UGL Group;
• Your performance appraisals;
• Our assessment of your ongoing performance and prospects;
• Any test or assessment (including medical tests and assessments) that you might be required to undergo for the purposes of your employment;
• Our management of any complaint, investigation or inquiry in which you are involved;
• Any insurance claim or proposal that requires disclosure of your personal or sensitive information; and
• The marketing of UGL Group skills and services. While it is stored by us, your personal information may be accessed by and/or disclosed to:
• UGL Group human resources personnel and relevant line managers with appropriate authorisation (subject to UGL Group employment policies) both in Australia and in other international locations;
• Our insurers;
• Professional associations or registration bodies that have a proper interest in the disclosure of your personal and sensitive information;
• Relevant workers compensation bodies;
• Potential employers and clients of the UGL Group for the purposes of marketing and tenders for works and services (to the extent required to demonstrate appropriate skills specified in relevant proposal documents);
• Contractors and suppliers to the UGL Group involved in maintaining our employee/contractor databases; and • Any person with a lawful entitlement to obtain the information.
Access and Correction
Subject to any relevant law, you have the right to see and have a copy of personal information and sensitive information about you that we hold. If any personal information or sensitive information about you is incorrect, you may request that we change that information.
You can make further enquiries about access to your personal information or about our privacy policies or regarding any complaints to UGL at this address
Consent re Personal Information By clicking the box "I Accept" below, you will be indicating your consent to the collection and use of personal information in the manner described above. Unless you subsequently indicate to the contrary, your consent now will cover our collection and use of personal information obtained:
• from you in your responses to the subsequent prompts in this web-service;
• in the course of any interviews with or assessments by UGL Group personnel and/or their agents whether from yourself or other publicly available sources;
• pursuant to any medical examinations conducted for the purposes of considering your employment application, where these are required;
• from any referees or references or otherwise pursuant to inquiries that we might make of your former employers, work colleagues, professional associations or registration body;
• in the context of any complaint from or about you in the workplace;
• in relation to a workplace accident in which you are involved;
• in the course of any insurance investigation, litigation, registration or professional disciplinary matter, criminal matter, inquest or inquiry in which you are involved;
• otherwise in the course of your employment within the UGL Group pursuant to the implementation of relevant UGL Group employment policies.
If you do not wish to continue with this service, click "I Decline" and you will be returned to the previous web page (but we may thereafter be limited in our ability to place you in a role within the UGL Group through this service).